Private dental offices are facing increasing competition from large corporate dental clinics. They have to contend with an uneven playing field, given that most of these larger dental facilities [...]
Does your Dental Office have its own website? Have you ever tried Googling the name of your Dental Office? If you did and you did not find your website on the first page of your Search Results, [...]
Vision is the most dominant of our five senses and our brains process visual information more than any other form of information. Given that pictures already boost engagement more than text [...]
So I came across a recent survey that was interesting. A big company in the US surveyed over 500 health care patients to find out what they look for when choosing a dentist. Here’s what they [...]
Google provides a plethora of useful tools for business owners for free. Some of our big client accounts are managed on Google Folders. These free Google tools enable content creation, [...]
Watch The Video In Full, Then Tap “Get A Price” To Determine If We Are A Good Fit Your one-stop-shop Healthcare Marketing Agency Get A Price Intelligent [...]
Watch The Video In Full, Then Tap “Get A Price” To Determine If We Are A Good Fit Your one-stop-shop digital marketing for plastic surgeons Get A Price [...]
Your One-stop-shop Chiropractic Marketing Company Get A Price Intelligent digital marketing for chiropractic lead generation & social media marketing You don’t do it with mailers or [...]
Watch The Video In Full, Then Tap “Get A Price” To Determine If We Are A Good Fit Your one-stop-shop physical therapy marketing company Get A Price [...]
According to Google, websites get more traffic from organic search than from all other referral sources combined. This includes paid search and social media marketing. This means that any serious [...]