6 Common Google AdWords Mistakes to Avoid in 2019 By Sam Harbi Posted January 7, 2019 In Social Media Marketing 6 Common Google AdWords Mistakes to Avoid in 20192019-01-072019-09-13Local SEO Services | SEO New West | SEO Langleyhttps://stellarmarketing.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/qtq80-v0BWdc.jpeg200px200px 0 0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaaS8GscZbc ↓↓ Expert digital marketing that gets you more clients and more revenue ↓↓ Get My Free ProposalPlease follow and like us: digital marketing agency, Google Adwords tips, marketing agency, Social Media Marketing Sam Harbi Sam Harbi is the founder and CEO of StellarMarketing.io providing local SEO Services Recommended PostsGoogle Ads or Facebook Ads?Ask For Referrals From EVERY Patient!Effective Facebook Ads Targeting in 2019 and Beyond